Your tax deductible donation to LASS goes directly to the animals. There are no paid positions within LASS, so your donation will be applied towards medical expenses, spaying and neutering, new equipment, shelter improvements and off-site adoptions. Every dollar makes a difference in the life of an animal!
Volunteers are needed both in and out of the shelter, and most tasks do not involve driving to the shelter. Volunteer orientation will be provided if you prefer to help with direct support of the animals. If you'd prefer to volunteer for functions outside of the shelter, please join us for our regular meetings or contact info@lassofsc.org for more information and to see how you can get involved.
Donate Items from the Shelter Wish List
The Lancaster Animal Shelter is always in need of certain items that you may already have or are willing to purchase for us. If you pick up items, you can bring them to the shelter or you may contact LASS and we will get them to the shelter for you. Items that are always needed include:
Purina Cat & Dog Food (canned & dry) - Purina is Good! No Old Roy products, please.
Purina Kitten Food and pate (canned & dry)
Purina Puppy Food (canned & dry)
Dog Chews (lots!) NO rawhide
Cat Litter (non-clumping clay litter)
Old Towels (No sheets or bedding, please)
Dog Crates (new or in good condition)
Cat Carriers (new or in good condition)
Dog/Cat toys
Dog Collars, Leashes, Slip Leads & Harnesses (All sizes - new or in good condition)
Clorox or Lysol Wipes
Paper Towels
Clorox Bleach
Liquid Laundry Detergent
We appreciate all donations of items either from your local store, Amazon, Chewy or personal pantry!
Join Our Email Newsletter List
Want to help the shelter pets in some way but don't think you can because of family obligations and time constraints? Well then, consider joining our LASS mailing list, where you can help just by reading the few emails that we'll send you. No pressure to do anything, no need to reply ... just read the email and if we're asking for something you can help with you can choose whether or not to do so. We will also send you some good news from time to time. And, don't worry, we will never share or sell your email address with anyone.
Spread the Word
One of the easiest ways to help LASS and the pets at Lancaster Animal Shelter is to talk about us and become our ambassador. It's as simple as joining our Facebook Page and sharing our posts. This simple act helps so much in bringing awareness to our cause.
Getting the word out about our events and activities, adoptable shelter pets, our needs, and the many other tiny ways that help the shelter pets is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things you can do. Pass along our web and email address, tell people how easy it is donate, share our Facebook posts, bring their attention to all the good things that are going on ... become our goodwill ambassador and reap the inner feel-good rewards of knowing you helped.
Although LASS does not offer a foster program, we have partnered with Lancaster SPCA's (LSPCA) foster program. If you are interested in fostering a shelter animal, please visit the website for Lancaster SPCA and complete a foster application. Be sure to note that you wish to become a shelter foster and indicate if you are interested in fostering cats or dogs.